Quay County recently issued the following announcement.
This notice is to inform the public that there will be a Public Hearing at the Quay County Commission Meeting on Monday, August 24 th, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. held in the Commission Chambers, 1 st Floor of the Quay County Courthouse, 300 S. Third St., Tucumcari, NM.
The Public Hearing will be regarding the development of the Quay County Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) to repair or replace existing infrastructure and/or the development of new infrastructure. The plan will cover a five-year period and develop the priority of those repairs or replacements needed. Quay County Residents will be given the opportunity to address any concerns at the Public Hearing either in person or in writing. To submit your written concerns, please address them to Quay County Manager, P. O. Box 1246, Tucumcari, NM 88401.
Original source can be found here.